Canaan Baptist Church of Christ
Serving from the Heart of Harlem since 1932
News Article Archives > Canaan Social Action Commission - Saturday, October 23

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Canaan Social Action Commission
We Must Get Out The Vote!
Saturday, October 23


On Saturday, October 23, from 2:00-4:00 pm in Founders Hall, the Canaan Social Action Commission and the Mid- Manhattan NAACP will be hosting a community "Get Out The Vote" rally and volunteer training.

This event is a continuation of the October 2 One Nation March and Rally held in Washington, DC. We are asking for volunteers to join us as part of an election eve phone bank, and as members of a team that will knock on doors to encourage voter turnout.

Less than 50% of people eligible to vote in our country take the time to do so. The first obligation of a citizen in a democracy is to vote. Come and bring a friend, neighbor, co-worker or relative to this critical event. All elections have consequences--if you don't vote, then you must accept the election results without comment.

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