Canaan Baptist Church of Christ
Serving from the Heart of Harlem since 1932
History - Page 4

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Dr. Johnson articulated his vision and preached that the church is the prophetic voice of the age; that God has given the congregation marching orders and a vision, which brings glory to His name. This sermon launched the congregation into a period of planning and reflection. Focus groups were appointed to refine the vision into practical action steps to make it a reality. On September 7, 2007, a church-wide retreat was held at Miracle Mountain, in upstate New York, to share the details of the vision. On September 12, Dr. Johnson convened a church–wide convocation and the vision was presented. The vision focuses on seven areas for Canaan’s ministry: Spiritual Development, Evangelism, Missions, Social Action, Financial Integrity, Community Development and Capital Improvement.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit, clarity of vision and urgency of mission, on October 27, 2007, during a church-wide meeting, Dr. Johnson presented his State of Canaan Address, “…that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting…” Titus 1:5b. He informed the congregation that, “A pastor must not be afraid to ask his congregation to follow him as he seeks to follow Christ.” Further, “A congregation must have the courage to trust their leader to do what is right by them.” The congregation enthusiastically accepted his State of Canaan Address.

As we embark on our faith journey to implement God’s vision, we are grateful to God for sending Dr. Johnson to lead us. We now stand on the threshold of hope for tomorrow, where victories won in Canaan’s historic past become the foundation for our future victories and achievement, as the vision becomes our reality. We believe that if we are faithful and have a mind to work, we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.

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132 West 116th Street - New York, NY 10026